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Building Knowledge Base on Population Ageing in India

doi: 10.1186/s12888-021-03257-4.

Association of self-perceived income sufficiency with cognitive impairment among older adults: a population-based study in India


  • PMID: 34001051
  • PMCID: PMC8130352
  • DOI: 10.1186/s12888-021-03257-4

Free PMC article

Association of self-perceived income sufficiency with cognitive impairment among older adults: a population-based study in India

T Muhammad  et al. BMC Psychiatry. .

Free PMC article


Background: Greater cognitive performance has been shown to be associated with better mental and physical health and lower mortality. The present study contributes to the existing literature on the linkages of self-perceived income sufficiency and cognitive impairment. Study also provides additional insights on other socioeconomic and health-related variables that are associated with cognitive impairment in older ages.

Methods: Data for this study is derived from the 'Building Knowledge Base on Population Ageing in India'. The final sample size for the analysis after removing missing cases was 9176 older adults. Descriptive along with bivariate analyses were presented to show the plausible associations of cognitive impairment with potential risk factors using the chi-square test. Also, binary logistic regression analysis was performed to provide the relationship between cognitive impairment and risk factors. The software used was STATA 14.

Results: About 43% of older adults reported that they had no source of income and 7.2% had income but not sufficient to fulfil their basic needs. Older adults with income but partially sufficient to fulfil their basic needs had 39% significantly higher likelihood to suffer from cognitive impairment than older adults who had sufficient income [OR: 1.39; OR: 1.21-1.59]. Likelihood of cognitive impairment was low among older adults with asset ownership than older adults with no asset ownership [OR: 0.83; CI: 0.72-0.95]. Again, older adults who work by compulsion (73.3%) or felt mental or physical stress due to work (57.6%) had highest percentage of cognitive impairment. Moreover, older adults with poor self-rated health, low instrumental activities of daily living, low activities of daily living, low subjective well-being and low psychological health were at increased risk for cognitive impairment.

Conclusion: The study highlights the pressing need for care and support and especially financial incentives in the old age to preserve cognitive health. Further, while planning geriatric health care for older adults in India, priority must be given to financially backward, with no asset ownership, with poor health status, older-older, widowed, and illiterate older individuals, as they are more vulnerable to cognitive impairment.

Keywords: Cognitive impairment; India; Older adults; Regression; SES.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.


Fig. 1
Fig. 1

Percentage of cognitive impairment among older adults by their working status as by choice, economic need or compulsion

Fig. 2
Fig. 2

Percentage of cognitive impairment among older adults by their mental or physical stress due to work

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Building Knowledge Base on Population Ageing in India
